Hebrew Books Logowww.Hebrewbooks.org
A Digital library of full text Hebrew books. Thousands of scanned seforim online

A new prototype for a native web implementation of the tzurat hadaf. All of the Gemara, Rashi, and Tosafos are displayed as regular text on the page and can be selected for copy and paste. Click on a word in the main text to see English translations for sentences or individual words.

OnYourWay Sitehttp://tora.ws
OnYourWay App Website: Siddur, Tanach with Rashi, Onkelus, Eben Ezra, Ramban Sforno and more, Mishna – with Bartenura and Tosafot Yom Tov, Talmud – Rashi and tosfot, Midrash Raba, Tanchuma and Shimoni, Sifrei Halacha, Mussar (Tomer Devorah, Mesillat Yesharim), Kabbalah, and lots of other books. Mobile website: mobile.tora.ws

New Interfaces for Jewish Texts. Text in Hebrew and English for Tanach, Mishna, Talmud, Midrash, Mishneh Torah, Halachah, Kabbalah, Philosophy, Chasidut, Targum, and More. Search for keywords within any texts, commentaries, and translations.


Chabad.org Logo

Hebrew and English texts of Tanach, Megillah, Pirkei Avos, Mishneh Torah, etc…

Scanned shas online. View small, large, or in Menukad.



Online Soncino English Talmud Bavli


Mechon Mamrewww.mechon-mamre.org
Complete Tanach, Rambam, sources of Oral Law, etc.

The World’s largest digital library of Judaic books. Over 53,367 books scanned by page.

Torah.org logohttp://www.torah.org/learning/texts.php3
A selection of hebrew texts including Pirkei Avos, Haftorah, Midrash, Rambam, Shulchan Aruch, etc.